Our Traffic Loops
If you are new to Glacier Peak, this is information you need. If you are not new to Glacier Peak, you will agree that everyone should have this information . Parking at Glacier Peak can be frustrating because we have limited spaces and approximately 500 students.
Drop-off/Pick-up Procedure:
K-2 students will be dropped off using the hug and go lane (by the tennis courts).
3-5 students will be dropped off on the west side of the building. This has traditionally been the bus drop-off. (2 Lane system) We will be sharing the lane with the buses so please stay close to the curb so the other side of the lane can be used for passing.
Please note that there is no parking in the hug and go lane please be quick and efficient
The Hug and Go process in the morning is intended to be a quick and safe drop off for students from the right hand lane only.
Do not park or stand in the right hand lane.
Pull all the way forward to the vehicle directly ahead in the line.
Remain in your vehicle.
We are outside to help. It is vital that cars drop off quickly so that traffic moves continuously and efficiently.
Adults who walk to and from school with their children will say goodbye/hello to their students at their designated doors
Remember, the school staff members assigned to the loop are there for your child’s protection, not to make driving the loop more frustrating for you. Thank you for your patience and cooperation!